
Why do Churches need Kingdom Wealth Building?

In Matthew 25, Jesus clearly asks Christians to grow the money God has given. He has plans for it, and part of our stewardship is to make money grow, so those plans can be more fruitful.

Too often the meaning of this scripture is ignored, abstracted or minimized, such that Christians are rarely compelled to increase their money and pour it back into God’s kingdom. This is beyond a missed opportunity; it becomes tragic when you consider all the good that could happen in the world if Christians everywhere knew how to double their money.

“You ought to have invested my money. . . that when I returned I would have received what was my own with interest.”

Jesus, in Matthew 25:27

The good news is that in today's modern era, the ask from Jesus is achievable for many people. The following is not “prosperity gospel,” but rather a simple fact: most Christians can and should become millionaires during their lifetime, simply by participating (and investing in) the American economic engine.

In the Kingdom Wealth Building course we discuss the example of Ronald Read, a real life janitor who donated more than $7 million dollars to charities. This sounds like a story for the record books, but the underlying truth is any American with knowledge of basic investing principles can be expected to generate millions over time, regardless of job title or salary. (And surely there are people in your church who earn more than a janitor!) All it takes is a bit of financial knowledge, and Kingdom Wealth Building is designed to bring that to Christians, for free.

How K.W.B. was Born

In late 2021, God gave me a vision of how He had orchestrated specific events of my life (including reaching financial independence and ‘retiring’ at age 31) to help serve these needs. For two straight weeks I awoke at 5 AM, brimming with ideas He gave me to express financial concepts in new ways. Over time, I developed a library of original content, such as “How the Stock Market Works, explained in 5 minutes, using emojis.”  

During a KWB course, this content is animated in a way participants will always remember.

In January of 2022, “Kingdom Wealth Building” began as a small group at my local church, and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. From there it has spread to other churches in multiple states across the U.S. God has continued to open doors and provide ways to help as many Christians as possible. 

How KWB Benefits The Church

This course is a gift, completely free of cost. It’s my way of paying forward some of the blessings God has already given (for more on this, see my biography). The financial industry is intentionally structured to make finance seem difficult, scary and confusing. Kingdom Wealth Building is designed to cut through all the jargon and provide a joyful environment for Christians to learn how to grow their money over time. It aims to make finance fun. It is as simple and straightforward as that.

For more, please see How it Works, a list of Topics & Takeaways, or Contact me directly.

Still not convinced KWB is necessary for your church?

I invite you to consider if there may be:

  • Professionals with high salaries, too busy to optimize their finances.

  • Those living ‘paycheck-to-paycheck,’ who feel survival is enough.

  • Young people with low savings, but decades to invest.

  • Seniors with a lifetime of savings, pondering wise choices.

  • Skeptics of the financial system, who decide to do nothing.

  • Anyone whose needs are unmet by a Dave Ramsey course, or other existing content.

If you’re a churchgoing Christian you likely have fellowshipped with someone above, or count yourself among them. K.W.B. is for you!
(and your church)